I pretty much turned all the dials up to 'eleven' and snapped off the lever Tuesday and Wednesday. There were a couple-odd hours of sleep in there, and I may have eaten. Not entirely sure. What I do know is that I wrote a little less than 20,000 words in that period, including two of my favorites: The End.
As always here at Full Throttle Productions, hard work is rewarded. I had a nice glass of champagne, smoked a lovely Cuban cigar (they're legal here but this'll be the only one for me this year), had a *much* needed shower and shave and went to bed for many, many hours.
For their invaluable assistance, I'd like to thank the good folks at iPod.
This poor bugger got quite the workout the last couple days. Four of my current favorites: Steve Earle's Oxycontin Blues, Tori Amos' Crucify, Avril Levigne's Girlfriend and Isaac Hayes's theme to Shaft. I reserve the right to be a man of contrasts...
Tomorrow: Simpsons fun!
Tomorrow: Simpsons fun!
Hey, congrats! Finishing a story always feels so good. :) And wow, almost 20K in two days? O_O I'm impressed, seriously.
Congratulations! I don't know how you do it -- and with music that has lyrics going on in the background. For some reason, I can't do that at all. It's either total silence, or instrumental only. You rock!
Congratulations! I am, as always, awed by your ability to pour out your stories in a stream of creativity. How long of a break do you take before you start the revisions?
Good work, my friend. Once you get that momentum going it can really snowball and that's a nice feeling, although an exhausting one when it's done. Enjoy that well earned rest.
Thanks for the congrats, folks!
I spent yesterday curled up with The Electric Michaelangelo by Sarah Hall and sleeping - a lot.
The music, especially with the earphones, blocks out the other distractions. Or maybe it's just a throwback to a childhood spent drawing and writing in front of a running TV...
And Candy, I think I'm actually starting my next pass today.
I didn't mean to, but I saw this other chapter I needed to round out the denoument, then this bit up at the front that should probably change, and... *ulp*
Congratulations! Make sure you rest up real good!
Congratulations. I love that final burst of energy that doesn't let you leave the computer even for a second. Exhausting, but so rewarding.
Wow. Congrats. :)
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