Thursday, April 12, 2007

Those Magic Moments

98,500 words

Yup, those magic... SUDOKU moments. I've had a few days of wheel-spinning, something's-wrong-here puzzlement. Now I know why.

Better yet, I know how to fix it.

Turns out I wrote my climax and half the denouement last week. So now I'm writing the bits that go before the climax so that I'll know what else needs to go in the denouement and be able to type The End.

That day is coming, and soon!

In other news, we went to Mount Grey, where the souls of the South Island's Maori dead go to start their journey to Cape Reinga and thence to the afterlife.

In our case, a pleasant walk and lovely picnic were had, this life adhered to.

The picnic was at Lake Janet:

Which offers lovely views:

I didn't bring my camera, so had to kype these off the web. Sorry.

1 comment:

Charles Gramlich said...

Stewart Sternberg had comments about "moments" on his blog today too. I had a nice comfort moment yesterday afternoon sitting on my deck. A blue bunting came to the stump where we put out bird feed and I studied him for a while through binoculors. Nature offers us a thousand such moments a day but most of us (including me) don't spend much time listening. Your picnic sounds great.