Monday, May 12, 2008

Shiny Silver Jumpsuit

SO I'm a few dollars poorer, but back up and running.
The implant *does* itch a bit, but the New Wee Beastie (NWB) is smaller, lighter, and like 3.6 Gajillion times more powerful.

Why, it even runs on Edison's Electrical Current instead of good old coal!

Now, where's my jumpsuit and flying car?


Shauna Roberts said...

Congrats on your NWB.

SQT said...

I'm dying for a laptop. I'm turning green right now.

Lisa said...

A wise choice. Here's a new recommendation, borne of the latest component that seems to be biting the dust with more frequency. You may want to consider ordering a second power supply. Mine died (although it was a slow death -- sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't). Since mine actually is a work laptop, I called my IT guy and he said he'd been giving everyone two (hmmmm). Coincidence? Maybe. Then I read some blog posts from poor Tim Hallinan, who was stuck in Cambodia when his died on him...just wanted to pass that on. Have fun with your NWB!

cs harris said...


Charles Gramlich said...

Your skull is looking a little barren of dreads there.

Congrats on the new system. I was in the library yesterday and actually stumbled on the magazine that had that picture of the laptop you had up before and was talking about the retro look.

Sphinx Ink said...

Okay, I want the scoop: Did you go with a Mac, or did you stick with a PC? Or were you a Mac user to start out with (in which case I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have switched to a PC)?

Steve Malley said...

Many thanks for your kind wishes, one and all!

Shauna, the NWB (pronounced Newbie until I think of a decent name, though it may be too late) seems happy in its new home. It spent last night curled up on some blankets beside the bed...

SQT, Laptops aren't too dear if you buy 'em used. I got mine off a place that refurbishes ex-corporate machines. It's more powerful than most towers and was a couple hundred bucks cheaper.

Main thing: battery life. Google the brands and get the one with the best battery. Old Bessie, bless her heart, went flat in under 90 minutes. Newbie here ran for six hours off the battery yesterday!

Lisa, Well do I know the hell of which you speak. Bessie pitched that particular fit on me last year. Rrrr...

CS, Many thanks. Good Luch with the remodeling!

Charles, that was the demo model. The actual implant, you can hardly see it unless I move my head side to side...

There's a company in the States does those steampunk revamps. Mostly they do keyboards (*beautiful* keyoards...) and the odd tower, but they have done at least one gorgeous laptop!

Sphinx, I have three MAJOR barriers of entry with the Macs:

1. Price. If I could afford a Mac, I'd probably do a little travel instead.

2. The Tiny Dynamo. If I spent the price of a small vacation on a laptop, I'd be cooking my own food for quite some time!

3. RoughDraft. I LOVE that program for writing my first draft. It just keeps everything so clear and organized. Sadly, it doesn't work in OS or Linux...

ANNA-LYS said...

So You do, indeed!! :-D

ANNA-LYS said...

Like the Cyberpunk-laptop bellow also :-)

AvDB said...

Congrats on the new purchase. May it help you turn out more fine writing for years to come.